


Unusual coastal ocean cooling in the northern South China Sea by a katabatic cold jet associated with Typhoon Mujigea (2015)石雨鑫*海洋与气象学院Acta Oceanologica SinicaSCI-2谢玲玲
Seasonal and interannual variability of water mass sources of Indonesia Throughflow in the Maluku Sea and the Halmahera Sea王露*海洋与气象学院Acta Oceanologica SinicaSCI-2谢玲玲
Upwelling off the west coast of Hainan Island: sensitivity towave-mixing白鹏海洋与气象学院Acta Oceanologica SinicaSCI-2杨婧灵
Seasonal variations of nitrate dual isotopes in wet deposition in a tropical city in China陈法锦海洋与气象学院Atmospheric environmentSCI-2贾国东
Isotopic evidence for the shift of nitrate sources and active biological transformation on the western coast of Guangdong Province, South China劳齐斌*海洋与气象学院Marine Pollution Bulletin(JCR大类2区)SCI-2陈法锦
Microbial diversity in Huguangyan Maar Lake of China revealed by high-throughput sequencing侯庆华海洋与气象学院Journal of Oceanology and LimnologySCI-2DONG Hongpo
Large-scale characteristics of landfalling tropical cyclones with abrupt intensity change季倩倩*海洋与气象学院FRONTIERS OF EARTH SCIENCESCI-3徐峰、徐建军
Correlation of carbon isotope stratigraphy andpaleoenvironmental conditions in the CretaceousJehol Group, northeastern China曹瀚升海洋与气象学院International geology reviewSCI-3贺文同
Superheavy pyrite in the upper cretaceous mudstone of the Songliao Basin, NE China and its implication for paleolimnological environments曹瀚升海洋与气象学院Journal of Asian Earth SciencesSCI-3贺文同
Regime shift of global oceanic evaporation in the late 1990s using OAFlux dataset曹宁海洋与气象学院Theoretical and Applied ClimatologySCI-3任保华
Dual Isotopic Evidence for Nitrate Sources and Active Biological Transformation in the Northern South China Sea in Summer陈法锦海洋与气象学院Plos One(JCR大类3区)SCI-3陈法锦
Simulation of Drainage Capacity in a Coastal Nuclear Power Plant under Extreme Rainfall and Tropical Storm王双玲海洋与气象学院Sustainability(JCR大类4区)SCI-3陈法锦
Impacts of Onset Time of El Ni?o Events on SummerRainfall over Southeastern Australiaduring 1980–2017范伶俐海洋与气象学院atmosphereSCI-4徐建军
Numerical Investigation of Temperature Distribution of Thermal Discharge in a River-Type Reservoir王双玲海洋与气象学院Polish Journal of Environmental Studies(JCR大类4区)SCI-4陈法锦
Enhanced correlation between ENSO and western North Pacific monsoon during boreal summer around the 1990s吴敏敏*海洋与气象学院Atmospheric and Oceanic Science LettersCSCD核心王磊
Cu和Pb对赤潮异弯藻 (Heterosigma akashiwo)生长的影响邓紫云*海洋与气象学院生态毒理学报CSCD核心陈清香
超强El Ni?o事件的多样性及其对东亚夏季风降水的影响袁帅*海洋与气象学院热带气象学报CSCD拓展徐建军
Distinguishing Characteristics of Spring and Summer Onset El Ni?o Events徐华海洋与气象学院JOURNAL OF CLIMATESCI-1徐建军
Progress in research of submesoscale processes in the South China Sea郑全安海洋与气象学院Acta Oceanologica SinicaSCI-2谢玲玲
Influence of sequential tropical cyclones on phytoplankton blooms in the northwestern South China Sea王同宇*海洋与气象学院Journal of Oceanology and LimnologySCI-2张书文
Effects of Kuroshio intrusion optimization on the simulation of mesoscale eddies in the northern South China Sea封宝鑫海洋与气象学院Acta Oceanologica SinicaSCI-2刘海龙
Statistical analysis of mesoscale eddy propagation velocity in the South China Sea deep basin黄润琪*海洋与气象学院Acta Oceanologica SinicaSCI-2谢玲玲
Seasonal variability of mesoscale eddies in the Banda Sea inferred from altimeter data陈柏洋*海洋与气象学院Acta Oceanologica SinicaSCI-2谢玲玲
A Potential Link Between the Southern Ocean Warming and the South Indian Ocean Heat Balance杨丽娜海洋与气象学院JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANSSCI-2杨丽娜
Variability in the global energy budget and transports 1985-2017刘春雷海洋与气象学院Climate DynamicsSCI-2
Observed variability of intertropical convergence zone over 1998-2018刘春雷海洋与气象学院Environmental Research LetterSCI-2
Transition of low clouds in the East China Sea and Kuroshio region in winter: A regional atmospheric model study.龙景超海洋与气象学院Journal of Geophysical Research: AtmospheresSCI-2Yuqing Wang
Integrated chemostratigraphy (δ13C-δ34S-δ15N) constrains Cretaceous lacustrine anoxic events triggered by marine sulfate input曹瀚升海洋与气象学院Chemical GeologySCI-2陈法锦
Tropical cyclone enhanced vertical transport in the northwestern South China Sea I: Mooring observation analysis for Washi (2005)王丽菊*海洋与气象学院Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf ScienceSCI-3谢玲玲
Monthly Variations of Nitrogen Isotope of Ammonium in Wet Deposition in a Tropical City, South China陈法锦海洋与气象学院Aerosol and Air Quality ResearchSCI-3陈法锦
Typhoon Merbok induced upwelling impact on material transport in the coastal northern South China Sea蒋晨*海洋与气象学院PLOS ONESCI-3陈法锦
Assessing Seasonal Nitrate Contamination by Nitrate Dual Isotopes in a Monsoon-Controlled Bay with Intensive Human Activities in South China李嘉城*海洋与气象学院International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthSCI-3陈法锦
Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Sedimentary Organic Matter in a Subtropical Bay: Implication for Human Interventions陆旋*、周凤霞海洋与气象学院International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthSCI-3陈法锦
Sediment phosphorus cycling in a nutrient-rich embayment in relation to sediment phosphorus pool and release金广哲海洋与气象学院LimnologySCI-3金广哲
Superheavy pyrite in the Upper Cretaceous mudstone of the Songliao Basin,NE China and its implication for paleolimnological environments曹瀚升海洋与气象学院Journal of Asian Earth SciencesSCI-3
Nitrate sources and biogeochemical processes identified using nitrogen and oxygen isotopes on the eastern coast of Hainan Island陈法锦海洋与气象学院Continental Shelf ResearchSCI-3张书文
Recent weakening in interannual variability of mean tropical cyclogenesis latitude over the western North Pacific during boreal summer吴敏敏*海洋与气象学院Journal of Meteorological ResearchSCI-3王磊
Impact of Intraseasonal Oscillations on the Activity of Tropical Cyclones in Summer Over the South China Sea:nonlocal tropical cyclone凌征海洋与气象学院Frontiers in Earth ScienceSCI-3王玉清
A 7-Year Lag Precipitation Teleconnection in South Australia and Its Possible Mechanism范伶俐海洋与气象学院frontiers in earth scienceSCI-3范伶俐
Changing Relationship between Tibetan Plateau Temperature and South China Sea Summer Monsoon Precipitation梁梅海洋与气象学院Frontiers in Environmental ScienceSCI-3徐建军
Spatial-Monthly Variations and Influencing Factors of Dissolved Oxygen in Surface Water of Zhanjiang Bay, China周凤霞海洋与气象学院Journal of Marine Science and EngineeringSCI-4陈法锦
Comparison of the Madden–Julian Oscillation-Related Tropical Cyclone Genesis over the SouthChina Sea and Western North Pacific under DifferentEl Ni?o-Southern Oscillation Conditions叶成瑶*海洋与气象学院AtmosphereSCI-4邓立平
Differences in Pre-Flood Season Rainfall in South China between SP/SU El Ni?o范伶俐海洋与气象学院Atmosphere-OceanSCI-4范伶俐
Contrasting the Indian and western North Pacific summer monsoons in terms of their intensity of interannual variability and biennial relationship with ENSO陈柏洋海洋与气象学院Atmospheric and Oceanic Science LettersCSCD王磊
1960—2017 年南海热带气旋强度突变特征梁梅海洋与气象学院广东海洋大学学报校报梁梅
1990-2018 年北印度洋热带气旋统计特征梁梅海洋与气象学院广东海洋大学学报校报梁梅
Lithospheric stretching-style variations and anomalous post-rift subsidencein the deep water sub-basins of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern SouthChina Sea谢辉海洋与气象学院Marine and Petroleum GeologySCI-2谢辉、石红才
Lithium isotopic systematics of ore-forming fluid in the orogenic gold deposits, Jiaodong Peninsula (East China): Implications for ore-forming mechanism包创海洋与气象学院Ore Geology ReviewsSCI-2包创
Distribution and Sources of Particulate Organic Matter in theNorthern South China Sea: Implications of Human Activity黄超海洋与气象学院Journal of Ocean University of ChinaSCI-2陈法锦
Response of Total Suspended Sediment and Chlorophyll-a Concentration to Late Autumn Typhoon Events in the Northwestern South China Sea李君益海洋与气象学院Remote SensingSCI-2谢玲玲、李敏
Typhoon control of precipitation dual isotopes in southern China and its palaeoenvironmental implications陈法锦海洋与气象学院Journal of Geophysical Research: AtmospheresSCI-2张书文
Water Mass Processes Between the South China Sea and the Western Pacific Through the Luzon Strait: Insights From Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes吴俊晖海洋与气象学院Journal of Geophysical Research: OceansSCI-2陈法锦
Effects of Typhoon Mujigae on the biogeochemistry and ecology of a semi-enclosed bay in the northern South China Sea周欣海洋与气象学院Journal of Geophysical Research: BiogeosciencesSCI-2陈法锦
Advances in interscale and interdisciplinary approaches tothe South China Sea谢玲玲海洋与气象学院Acta Oceanologic SinicSCI-2管轶
Recovery of Tropical Cyclone Induced SST Cooling Observed by Satellite in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean凌征海洋与气象学院Remote SensingSCI-2陈长霖
How does the onset time of El Ni?o events affecttropical cyclone genesis and intensity over the westernNorth Pacific?梁梅海洋与气象学院International Journal of ClimatologySCI-2徐建军
Spatiotemporal Distributions of Ocean Color Elements in Response to Tropical Cyclone: A Case Study of Typhoon Mangkhut (2018) Past Over the Northern South China Sea李君益海洋与气象学院Remote SensingSCI-2谢玲玲
Numerical Prediction of Tropical Cyclogenesis Part I: Evaluation of Model Performance梁梅海洋与气象学院Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological SocietySCI-2徐建军
A contrast of recent changing tendencies in genesis productivity of tropical cloud clusters over the western North Pacific in May and October彭旭钢海洋与气象学院AtmosphereSCI-3王磊
Multi—Proxy Reconstructions ofClimate Change and Human ImpactsOver the Past 7000 Years From anArchive of Continental ShelfSediments off Eastern Hainan Island,China黄超海洋与气象学院Frontiers in Earth ScienceSCI-3陈法锦
Coastal currents regulate the distribution of the particulate organic matter in western Guangdong offshore waters as evidenced by carbon and nitrogen isotopes陈法锦海洋与气象学院Marine Pollution BulletinSCI-3宋之光
Sensitivity of Typhoon Lingling (2019) simulations to horizontal mixing length and planetary boundary layer parameterizations陈思奇海洋与气象学院Frontiers of Earth ScienceSCI-3张宇2
Large Future Increase in Exposure Risks of Extreme Heat Within Southern China Under Warming Scenario曹宁海洋与气象学院Frontiers in Earth ScienceSCI-3李根
Physical Process Contributions to theDevelopment of a Super ExplosiveCyclone Over the Gulf Stream张树钦海洋与气象学院Frontiers in Earth ScienceSCI-3刘春雷 薛宇峰
Volume and nutrient transports distribution disturbed by the typhoon Chebi (2013) in the upwelling zone east of Hainan Island, China郑曼立海洋与气象学院Journal of Marine Science and EngineeringSCI-3谢玲玲
Characteristics of hydrocarbons in hydrothermal products of the Clam hydrothermal field from the Okinawa trough黄鑫海洋与气象学院Marine Pollution BulletinSCI-3黄超
Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics of Nutrients in the Drowned Tidal Inlet under the Influence of Tides: A Case Study of Zhanjiang Bay, China王双玲海洋与气象学院International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthSCI-3陈法锦
Astronomical tide and storm surge singnals observed in an isolated inland Maar lake near the coast李明明海洋与气象学院Journal of Marine Science and EngineeringSCI-3Chunyan Li,谢玲玲
Seasonal and Interannual Variability of EAPE in the South China Sea Derived from ECCO2 Data from 1997 to 2019李强海洋与气象学院WaterSCI-3谢玲玲
Attribution of the Principal Components of the Summertime Ozone Valley in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere常舒捷海洋与气象学院Frontiers in Earth ScienceSCI-3郭栋
Differentiated Effects of Urbanization on Precipitation in South China范伶俐海洋与气象学院WaterSCI-3
Relationship between the Tibetan Plateau-tropical Indian Ocean thermal contrast and the South Asian summer monsoon罗小青海洋与气象学院Frontiers of Earth ScienceSCI-3徐建军
Discrepancies of Upper Troposphere Summer Thermal Contrast Between Tibetan Plateau and Tropical Indian Ocean in Multiple Data罗小青海洋与气象学院Front. Environ. Sci.SCI-3徐建军
Impact of the Anomalous Latent Heat Flux Over the Kuroshio Extension on Western North American Rainfall in Spring: Interannual Variation and Mechanism龙景超海洋与气象学院Frontiers in Earth ScienceSCI-3刘春雷
Rotating thermal convection: surface turbulence observed with altimetry and thermal radiometry张洋海洋与气象学院Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid DynamicsSCI-4Yakov Afanasyev
Dissipation process of summer tropical easterly waves in Western North Pacific邓立平海洋与气象学院Dynamics of Atmospheres and OceansSCI-4黄婉如
Characteristics of atmospheric heat sources in the Tibetan Plateau–tropical Indian Ocean region罗小青海洋与气象学院Journal of Tropical MeteorologySCI-4徐建军
Contrasting Impacts of Three Extreme El Ni?os on Double ITCZs over the Eastern Pacific Ocean陈银兰海洋与气象学院AtmosphereSCI-4严厉
印 度 尼 西 亚 海 及 周 边 海 域 层 结 的 时 空 变 化 特 征 分 析梁浩然海洋与气象学院海洋学报梯队期刊谢玲玲
1960-2016 年广东冬季降水变化特征及成因卢泽彬海洋与气象学院广东海洋大学学报北大核心张宇1
The energy conversion rates from eddies and mean flow into
internal lee waves in the global ocean
韩冰海洋与气象学院Journal of Oceanology and LimnologySCIE二区韩冰
Statistical Analysis of Mesoscale Eddies Entering the Continental Shelf of the Northern South China Sea张桃海洋与气象学院Journal of Marine Science and EngineeringSCIE三区李君益
Tidal currents in the coastal waters east of Hainan Island in
李敏海洋与气象学院Journal of Oceanology and LimnologySCIE二区谢玲玲
Comparison of flows through a tidal inlet in late spring and after the passage of an atmospheric cold front in winter using acoustic Doppler profilers and vessel-based observations李明明海洋与气象学院SensorsSCI三区Li, Chunyan
Comparative Study of Nitrogen Cycling Between a Bay With Riverine Input and a Bay Without Riverine Input, Inferred From Stable Isotopes陈淳青海洋与气象学院Frontiers in Marine ScienceSCI二区陈法锦
Nitrogen Cycling Across a Salinity Gradient From the Pearl River Estuary to Offshore: Insight From Nitrate Dual Isotopes陈法锦海洋与气象学院Journal of Geophysical Research: BiogeosciencesSCI二区陈法锦
Biological Impact of Typhoon Wipha in the Coastal Area of Western Guangdong: A Comparative Field Observation Perspective陆旋海洋与气象学院Journal of Geophysical Research: BiogeosciencesSCI二区陈法锦
Spatial and temporal trends of anthropogenic carbon storage in typical marginal seas along the Asia continent in the northern hemisphere黄鹏海洋与气象学院Science of The Total EnvironmentSCI一区蔡明刚
Using Stable Isotopes (δ 18 O and δD) to Study the Dynamics of Upwelling and Other Oceanic Processes in Northwestern South China Sea周凤霞海洋与气象学院Journal of Geophysical Research: OceansSCI二区陈法锦
Isotopic and biogenic silica evidence for eutrophic conditions in South China during the Frasnian-Famennian biotic crisis曹瀚升海洋与气象学院Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, PalaeoecologySCI二区陈法锦